Smart eco - HMY

Smart eco


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One step further beyond sustainability.

HMY Sustainable Raw Materials Portfolio

In HMY we work towards a more resource-efficient consumption, that's why waste is the basis of our Sustainable Raw Materials Portfolio.

Material generated from textile waste. Among its uses are the manufacture of rigid boards, decorative coatings,...

Waste Textiles

HMY Sustainable Raw Materials Portfolio

Boards made from sludge generated in paper mills. The recycling of this material develops a circular process: the product itself is recyclable, being able to produce new boards.

Waste Cellulosic

HMY Sustainable Raw Materials Portfolio

Recycled material from polypropylene waste (ex. plastic fruit boxes) and polyethylene (ex. packaging film).

Waste Plastic

HMY Sustainable Raw Materials Portfolio

The HMY Enviromental Consulting Services

HMY offers a wide range of environmental consulting services, which will help you not only to identify the environmental impact of your activities, but also to comply with environmental regulations.

We help you to improve the efficiency of your spaces by making them 'greener' minimising the impact of waste, flows, lighting, materials...

Environmental efficiency

The HMY Environmental Consulting Services

Turning your waste into valuable resources. Recycling as a major pillar of raw materials supply.

Circular Economy

The HMY Environmental Consulting Services

Understand and minimize the enviromental impact of your spaces thanks to the HMY Enviromental Product Declaration (EDPs).

Enviromental Product Declaration (EDP)

The HMY Environmental Consulting Services

The HMY Store Dismantling Services

We offer Store Dismantling Services which are focus on maximizing the amount of material that can be recyced and reused.

Recovering value whenever you need. We take care of disassembling, transporting, inventorying and storing the furniture until you need it back.

Customer inventory management

The HMY Store Dismantling Services

We guarantee that the residual furniture that you no longer need will receive the best possible destination.

Zero Waste

The HMY Store Dismantling Services

Give your furniture a second life. Being sustainable doesn't have to be expensive. Stripping, staining, painting,.. in HMY we will give a second life to your spaces

Reverse Logistics

The HMY Store Dismantling Services

The HMY Blog

Let your store tell your story.

Because our heart is where your store is.
Because we are retail thinkers and space makers.
Because we are the global-local partner that you need.

Let's Talk